Andrew Huang, CFA®

Managing Director, Wealth Advisor

Andrew Huang serves as a Managing Director, Wealth Advisor at Cresset. In this role, he works with clients to grow, preserve, and transfer their wealth. Andrew serves as a trusted advisor to multiple generations of client families, providing investment acumen and a systematic mindset. He also oversees the execution of client initiatives, from portfolio implementation and reporting to ad hoc requests and research initiatives.

Prior to joining Cresset, Andrew held positions at J.P. Morgan Wealth Management and served as Vice President at First Republic Private Wealth Management for eight years. His career also includes more than four years at Credit Suisse. Andrew’s investment-management experience includes roles at Saints Capital, where he was a Portfolio Analyst, and Cohen Capital Management, where he began his career in 2007 as an Investment Analyst.

Andrew earned his B.S. in financial mathematics and statistics and his B.A. in business economics, with a concentration in accounting, from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is fluent in Mandarin.

A resident of the Bay Area, Andrew is married and has two children. Raised by committed and hardworking parents in the restaurant industry, he credits his upbringing for his core values of hard work and client service. In his free hours, he likes to be with family and friends, spend time outdoors, exercise, play golf, and cycle.

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