Dagny Maidman, J.D.

Executive Managing Director, Wealth Advisor

Dagny Maidman is an Executive Managing Director, Wealth Advisor at Cresset. In this role, Dagny provides creative, tailored, tax-sensitive wealth solutions for ultra-high-net-worth clients. She seamlessly partners with legal, tax and other professional advisors to deliver comprehensive advice and is known for her ability to distill complexity.

In portfolio construction, Dagny is sensitive to weeding out uncompensated risk and employs dynamic hedging strategies to generate income, reduce portfolio volatility, and manage concentrated stock positions.

A lawyer by training, she practiced as a corporate litigator for several years before transitioning to financial services in 1996.

Dagny earned her BA, cum laude, from Williams College and her JD from Yale Law School. She previously served on the investment committee for her alma mater, Hebron Academy in Maine.

Dagny and her wife, Molly, have three children. Their family circle includes their two much-loved dogs. In their free time, Dagny and her family enjoy skiing, hiking, golf, and tennis. Dagny is also an avid reader who enjoys exploring a variety of subjects.

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