Erik Ralston

Managing Director, Wealth Advisor

Erik Ralston is a Managing Director and Wealth Advisor at Cresset, providing comprehensive guidance to ultra-high-net-worth families. His responsibilities include advising on pre- and post-liquidity planning, wealth transfer strategies, and developing customized investment portfolios. Erik has in-depth knowledge in managing wealth, and understanding its opportunities and challenges.

Before joining Cresset, Erik’s career spanned prestigious roles in wealth management and finance. He served as a Wealth Advisor at J.P. Morgan Wealth Management and previously held positions as Managing Director and Wealth Manager at First Republic, following a stint at Credit Suisse Private Banking and Deutsche Bank. Prior to his time at Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank, Erik advised institutional clients on global risk and asset allocation at the G7 Group. However, his career began at Toyo Tanso in Osaka, Japan, where he spent five years and became fluent in Japanese. Subsequently, he was transferred to Milan, Italy, to spearhead the firm’s expansion into the European market.

Erik earned his MBA in finance and economics from New York University and a Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

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