Recorded on 01/12/2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Update with PinnacleCare

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Recorded January 12, 2021.

Learn from Cresset healthcare advocacy partner, PinnacleCare, as we address information on the COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan, eliminating the “noise” and giving you the facts about the process.

Dr. Miles J. Varn is Chief Executive Officer of PinnacleCare and builder of the VirtualConnect program which brings remote expertise from more than 25 top academic institutions to clients across the nation. Our host is Cresset Co-Founder and Co-Chairman – and PinnacleCare client himself – Eric Becker. Hear questions surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine, learn how PinnacleCare can help get interested member clients vaccinated, and review the benefits Cresset families can receive through our partnership with PinnacleCare.

Connect with our Lifestyle Services Team to learn more about Cresset’s partnership with PinnacleCare.

About Dr. Miles J Varn

As CEO of PinnacleCare, Dr. Varn is responsible for effecting strategic growth and expanding upon innovation for PinnacleCare’s portfolio business. Dr. Varn has served on the PinnacleCare Board of Directors for 13 years. Prior to his appointment as CEO, Dr. Varn served as the Chief Medical Officer for PinnacleCare. In that role he developed relationships with top centers of excellence and physicians around the world and served as the chief contact with the distinguished PinnacleCare Medical Advisory Board. He also built PinnacleCare’s VirtualConnect program which brings remote expertise from more than 25 top academic institution to clients wherever they reside.

Dr. Varn joined PinnacleCare after 15 years of innovation and leadership at Inova Fairfax Hospital, a level 1 trauma center with 75,000 patient visits per year. In 2004, Dr. Varn was awarded the Inova Health System’s Service Excellence Legend Award for extraordinary patient care.

Dr. Varn is a member of the American College of Emergency Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians. He earned his Medical Degree from the University of Virginia School of Medicine.


Dr. Miles J Varn

Dr. Miles J Varn

Chief Executive Officer, PinnacleCare

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