The Changing Face of Higher Education

true fiduciary investment partner

…s, 93 per cent of respondents said tuition should be lowered if classes go completely online this fall. Earlier this year, more than 100 lawsuits were filed by students seeking tuition refunds after their classes shifted online. To date, educational institutions remain loathe to provide discounts.

Higher costs and fewer scholarships are partly to blame for the fact that Gen Y are not enrolling in college at the same rate as their Gen X or …

Productivity Growth Generates ‘Free Lunch’ for Investors

Productivity Growth Generates Free Lunch for Investors featured image

…ly, streaming captured 34.8 percent of viewers, according to Nielsen data, compared to 34.4 percent for cable and 21.6 percent for broadcast. Our strategy seeks to capture the growth in digital media, video on demand, online gaming and online gambling.

Fintech – Financial technology is rapidly evolving against the backdrop of a banking system struggling to keep pace. Our strategy seeks to benefit from the adoption of techn…

What’s Keeping Investors Awake at Night


…t dicey. Equity investors aren’t sure whether or not Chairman Powell would come to the equity market’s rescue if stocks suddenly turned south.


This is a valid concern. Central bankers have been helicopter parents since 2009.

Bottom Line

Investors should not lose sleep over the equity market near term. Fiscal policies on top of already simulative monetary policies have whipped the 2-percent donke…

Life After the Lockdown

holding lightbulb

…onfigured to maintain physical distancing within schools before they can reopen. Online learning will gain further traction among colleges and universities. Experts predict the emergence of a two-tier college tuition pricing policy where students pay a higher price for an on-campus experience affording interaction with professors and a cheaper, online educational experience, with both options resulting in the same degree.  Americans could question…

The Proposed Wealth Tax: What You Can Do Now to Prepare

…red when declaring an asset’s value.

As unlikely as a wealth tax becoming a reality may be, it is important to be as prepared as possible. The advice and counsel of a competent financial professional should be sought to be ready for whatever the future may hold.

[1] “The Role and Design of Net Wealth Taxes in the OECD” published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on April 12, 2018 [2] “Facts on Warren…

The Consumer Spending Foundation Is Cracking

The Consumer Spending Foundation is Cracking Market Update

… display “99% Complete” for what feels like an eternity when waiting for a download to complete. All eyes are now on the consumer.

Household spending holds the key to growth, inflation trends and monetary policy. That’s because the consumer accounts for two-thirds of US economic activity. Most US recessions have coincided with a spending retrenchment. Remarkably, consumer spending is strong, although investors, and the Fed, are on the look…

How Do I Keep My Kids Safe And Grounded?

Keep kids safe and grounded cover image

…. Allow your kids to take part in the decision-making but also model adaptability when things don’t go according to plan.

To explore how best to begin the “money talk” with your family, please contact Whitney Webb. Vi

The equity market didn’t like rates at 3%…it will truly not like 4%

Bloomberg Logo

… quickly as they used to for this reason.

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The post

Has the COVID-19 vaccine made the market irrationally exuberant?

candlesticks on computer

…staining service cutbacks. Boston is considering ending weekend service on commuter rail and shutting down the city’s ferry service. Atlanta suspended 70 of its 110 bus routes, a move that could become permanent. New York City, home to the largest mass transit system in North America, plans to slash subway service by 40 per cent and cut commuter rail service in half, according to The New York Times. With ridership and fare revenue plummet…

Assessing the Markets with Cresset’s Five Factors

Assessing the Markets

…economic conditions. We believe an impending interest rate correction will test worldwide equity market valuations. At some point rates will test an upper limit, perhaps 2.8-3 per cent, before having to respond to a financial system and an economy that have become overly dependent on low rates. For that reason, we don’t anticipate sustained valuation contraction, but any future valuation expansion should probably be taken off the table for the tim…

Investing in an Era of Short-Termism

…eties have made sacrifices in the near term to secure a better future. For example, America’s Greatest Generation – those born between 1900 and 1924 – suffered the Great Depression and fought in World War II. For them, sacrifice and deprivation were a way of life. Their children, by contrast, find sacrifice unpalatable. Under the regime of the Baby Boom Generation, America’s federal budget deficit surpassed $1 trillion and, except for three months…

Will Ambitious Expectations Stand Up to Impending Scrutiny? 

Will Ambitious Expectations Stand Up to Impending Scrutiny?

…t generate less than half their revenue inside the US, like technology and communications companies.

Seven of the S&P’s 11 sector groups are expected to exhibit profit growth with utilities, communication services and technology leading the way higher. Commodity-oriented, energy and materials sectors will likely show the biggest profit growth declines. Analysts have been raising earnings estimates for previously lagging sectors like utili…

Gifting Assets: Underutilized & Misunderstood Strategies

…understand that a grantor trust is considered a “disregarded entity” for income tax purposes, which means that any taxable income or tax deduction produced by the trust is taxable and reportable on the grantor’s tax return. In contrast, when a grantor makes a transfer of assets to an irrevocable trust, that trust is held outside the grantor’s taxable estate.

These trust structures can provide a grantor with a powerful method to move wealth…

How to Optimize Tax Treatment of Your Restricted Stock Holdings

…herefore must report $250,000 as ordinary income this year. Bob and Hope’s WWW Corp stock becomes fully vested five years later, when it is trading at $100/share. Bob will have to report $1 million in ordinary income. Hope reports nothing unless she sells her shares; when she does, they will receive capital gains treatment. Thanks to Section 83(b) election, Hope will pay a lower rate overall, whereas Bob is paying the highest possible rate overall…

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