Recorded on 09/30/2022

Overcome Your Limitations & Conquer Your Goals with 10-Time World Record-Breaking Endurance Athlete Colin O’Brady

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Recorded on September 30, 2022.

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like something is missing but you can’t quite put your finger on it? What if you could hit the reset button on your life and learn how to break free of your self-limiting beliefs in just one day? Sound too be good to be true? Colin O’Brady would disagree.

After a tragic accident in 2008 left nearly 25% of his body severely burned, Colin O’Brady was told he might never walk normally again. Instead, he set a goal to finish his first triathlon after he recovered. Not only did he accomplish that, but Colin has since gone on to complete the world’s first solo crossing of Antarctica, become the first to row across Drake Passage (from South America to Antarctica), summit Mount Everest twice, and break 10-world records during his extreme adventures. As one of the world’s most celebrated endurance athletes, Colin has developed a mindset technique that has made him one of the most sought-after keynote speakers and landed his first book, The Impossible First, on the New York Times bestselling list. His riveting TEDx talk, “Change your mindset, achieve anything” has nearly 3 million views online and The New York Times said that his solo expedition across Antarctica “joined some of the most remarkable achievements in polar history.”

Now, with inspiration from his new book, The 12-Hour Walk: Invest One Day, Conquer Your Mind, and Unlock Your Best Life, Colin asks each of us to invest just one day in ourselves in order to conquer our minds and unlock our best selves. He believes that by walking alone and examining our innermost thoughts we can break free from the patterns that are holding us back. With his fearless passion and thoughtful approach, Colin helps all of us realize what it takes to achieve seemingly out-of-reach goals while also identifying what ultimately matters most to us.


About Colin O'Brady

Colin O'Brady is one of the world's most recognized endurance athletes and explorers. He is a 10-time world record holder, tw0-time Everest summiteer, Yale University graduate, and highly sought-after public speaker. In 2018, he became the first person in history to cross the continent of Antarctica — solo, unsupported and completely human-powered. The New York Times wrote O'Brady's Antarctica crossing "joined some of the most remarkable achievements in polar history." Guinness World records called O'Brady's recent ocean project — the world's first completely human-powered ocean row across Drake Passage from South Africa to Antarctica, " of the most significant human-powered adventures ever undertaken..." Colin is an Executive Producer of <em>The Impossible Row,</em> a feature length documentary from the Discovery Channel, and he hosts a television series called <em>Survivalists. </em>

However, Colin isn't just an adventurer. He's the New York Times bestselling author of The Impossible First, a memoir recounting his 54-day journey, 930-mile crossing of Antarctica, and he's considered to be one of the foremost experts on mindset. His TED talk, "Change Your Mindset and Achieve Anything," has been viewed nearly 3 million times and his non-profit work — to inspire kids and community to live active, healthy lives and achieve their biggest dreams — has widespread impact. Colin's entrepreneurial ventures have resulted in co-founding a live events company, 29029 Everesting, which was acquired by iFit last year. His second book, The 12-Hour Walk, publishes this summer and aims to inspire 10 million people to take a one-day transformative journey and unlock their best lives.


Colin O'Brady

Colin O'Brady

Entrepreneur, Endurance Athlete & Explorer

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