Alicia Bennett, CGSP®

Director, Lifestyle Services

Alicia Bennett is a Director, Lifestyle Services at Cresset. Creating a bespoke client experience using efficient communication tactics, creativity and complex problem-solving skills.

With ten years of experience in client engagement and customer growth strategy and development, Alicia has implemented multiple organizational processes within small businesses to directly impact their customer service model. She is also a Certified Guest Service Professional (CGSP®). Prior to joining Cresset, Alicia worked as a Center Director and Events Manager for an education company that provides hands-on science for kids in her local community.

In the community, Alicia supports non-profit organizations such as the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), Cradles to Crayons, PAWS, Global Down Syndrome Foundation, American Red Cross, and has coached and volunteered at her local middle school. Alicia received a BA in Organizational Communication from Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH.

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