John Allen, CFP®

Director, Wealth Planner

John serves as a Director, Wealth Planner for Cresset and is based out of the Atlanta office. In this role, he offers clients customized advice, stemming from more than 10 years of experience providing comprehensive wealth management services, working with a variety of institutions, non-profit organizations, and ultra-high net worth individuals, including multi-generational family offices, C-level executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs.

Prior to joining Cresset, John worked at Homrich Berg as an associate in the firm’s family office group. Before that, he was a consultant with the Business Transition Advisory Group within the Specialty Wealth Practice Groups of SunTrust Private Wealth Management. John started his career at GenSpring Family Offices, a multi-family office affiliate of SunTrust Bank (now Truist), which provides independent advice to ultra-high net worth families, serving in various roles in client service and business development.

John earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Auburn University, a master’s degree in financial planning from the University of Georgia, and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER.

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