Alex Penning

Managing Director, Head of Banking & Lending

Alex Penning is Managing Director, Head of Banking & Lending in Cresset’s San Francisco office. He serves as the national lead for all banking & lending strategies for Cresset’s clients with a focus on the complex borrowing needs of founders, executives of public and private companies, investment principals, high-net-worth families, and their businesses.

Prior to Cresset, Alex spent 16 years with Metropolitan Capital joining the firm shortly after it was founded in Chicago. As an early employee, he helped to lead the expansion of the firm across the country, led the opening of the West Coast office in San Francisco, and was the national head of the team focused on private banking, commercial lending & debt capital markets investment banking.

Alex graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Economics from DePauw University. He lives in Corte Madera, California with his wife, Allison, two daughters Blakely & Tess, and Aussiedoodle Tasman. Outside of work, he enjoys skiing new mountains, cooking with family, and cycling in Marin County.

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