Andrew J. Woolridge, CIMA®

Managing Director, Wealth Advisor

Andrew “Drew” Woolridge is a Managing Director, Wealth Advisor at Cresset. In this role, he is dedicated to serving the unique needs of wealth creators, emerging entrepreneurs, and multi-generational families. Drew helps optimize the value clients have created by incorporating both personal and business interests into a holistic planning process. Through Cresset’s True Fiduciary® standards, Drew helps bring transparency and clarity to comprehensive financial planning and carefully constructed wealth management strategies.

Drew began his wealth management career in 1999. Prior to Cresset, Drew advised high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals and families at Convergent Wealth Advisors, most recently serving as Managing Director, and serving on their investment committee. Previously, Drew was the Investment Officer for CNB Bank’s Trust and Asset Management Division, responsible for research and portfolio management.

Drew holds a Bachelor of Science and MBA, with a concentration in finance, from Penn State University’s Smeal College of Business. He is a dedicated Penn State alumnus, maintaining strong, active ties with his alma mater by being a guest lecturer and providing career advice to current students and fellow alumni. While pursuing his graduate studies at Penn State, Drew was one of the key participants in launching the Nittany Lion Fund, LLC. Drew holds the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®), and is a member of the Investments and Wealth Institute.

In the community, Drew is a board member of Greater Clearfield (PA) Chamber of Commerce, and Penn State Behrend Center for Financial Literacy, and is an active member of the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Capital Chapter. He has also participated in mentoring/lecturing for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Germantown, MD, as well as the Life Fast Forward program for Clearfield High School. Drew currently resides in Arlington, VA with his wife, Nickolena, and bulldog, Louis.

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