Darci Hawkins

Director, Private Wealth Client Services

Darci Hawkins is a Director, Private Wealth Client Services at Cresset. She plays a key role in enhancing the day-to-day experience for Cresset’s clients, as well as facilitating complex moving parts of family office services.

Darci brings more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, serving ultra-high-net-worth families, all with the team that is now the Menlo Park office of Cresset. Prior to joining Cresset, she was an integral part of the operations leadership team as a Client Service Director at First Republic Investment Management. Before that, she was a founding operations member of Constellation Wealth Advisors as a Registered Associate. She began her career at Citi Family Office, a division of Citigroup.

Darci earned her degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in accounting, from the University of the Pacific. Darci and her husband live in San Jose with their two daughters and dog, Clyde. She is actively involved in the mother/daughter volunteer organization of National Charity League and can be found most weekends cheering her daughters on at volleyball and softball games.

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