Doug Raetz

Co-President, TRUE Cresset Sports + Entertainment

Doug is the Co-President for the Sports & Entertainment division of Cresset, which provides a comprehensive suite of wealth management services to a diverse roster of clients across sports, entertainment, and entrepreneurism. He is a 25‐year veteran of the financial services industry. Doug brings experience in creating specialized investment strategies and identifying opportunities that meet the changing demands of the industry.

Prior to joining Cresset, Doug was the Co-Founder and CEO of TRUE Capital Management. Doug and Heather Goodman created TRUE in 2007 and grew it into a $2 billion wealth management firm focused on professional athletes and entertainers. Under Doug’s leadership, TRUE built a reputation for its deep roster of clients across all major sports worldwide, and expansion into the global entertainment industry. Known for combining his talents of negotiation and deal structure to every relationship, Doug has been instrumental in developing countless successful partnerships, from branding opportunities with key celebrity athletes and entertainers, to strategic investments in companies poised for growth.

Prior to his time at TRUE, Doug was a Vice President at Citigroup Global Markets and a Financial Advisor at Prudential Securities.

In addition to his role at TRUE, Doug mentors’ entrepreneurial companies on corporate strategy, financial management, capital fundraising, and mergers and acquisitions, and he sits on several advisory boards, including the Board of Positive Coaching Alliance and the holographic communications platform Proto. Doug grew up in New York and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and strategic analysis from Boston College.

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