Eric H. Schoener, CFP®, CIMA®

Managing Director, Wealth Advisor

Eric Schoener is Managing Director, Wealth Advisor, serving as a primary point of contact for clients while overseeing client portfolio review implementation, delivery, education and ongoing management. Eric has over three decades of experience in the financial services industry, specializing in wealth planning and family wealth.

Previously, Eric was a Private Client Advisor at Wilmington Trust. His experience also includes tenures at Charles Schwab where he helped found their Financial Planning Group, and US Trust where he was a Private Portfolio Manager.

Eric is a graduate of George Mason University with a BS in Economics. He a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and completed the Investment Management program through the Yale School of Management to receive his Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) certification.

In the community, Eric served on the boards of both the Virginia Opera and his synagogue in Leesburg, VA. He is active with his children, coaching several youth sports teams, and supports Autism Awareness through the Bike To The Beach program.

Eric lives in Ashburn, Virginia with his wife, Leigh, and their two daughters.

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