Erin Ditter

Associate, Lifestyle Services

Erin is an Associate, Lifestyle Services at Cresset. With a passion for problem-solving and an unwavering commitment to the customer experience, she aims to craft memorable moments tailored to each family’s desire.

Leveraging nearly 10 years of experience in customer success, she thrives in finding new ways to elevate every experience. Erin earned her B.S. from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, where she majored in human development and family studies and minored in psychology. Prior to Cresset, Erin worked for a startup in the fitness space, overseeing day-to-day operations and developing company-wide client experience initiatives.

Erin lives in Chicago, IL. Outside of Cresset, she enjoys trying new restaurants in the city with family and friends, and spending time outside with her dog, Lou.

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