Jim Gotfredson

Associate, Client Service Private Investments

Jim Gotfredson is an Associate, Client Service Private Investments at Cresset. In this role, Jim facilitates private investment operations in onboarding, redemptions, re-registrations, and funding, with a focus on operating safeguards and controls. He also contributes to creating an elevated client experience through personalized service.

Jim has over 30 years of leadership experience working in start-ups, turnarounds, and large and small organizations, serving in roles ranging from Founder/Entrepreneur, CFO, COO, Sales Head, and Financial Analyst. He has always focused on building a business by improved processes and operations, or by increasing revenue through sales growth. He has a reputation for always having the client’s perspective in view and is known as a strong team player, as well as building long-lasting client and team relationships.

Jim earned his MBA in finance from Cornell University and a Bachelor of Arts at Boston College. He has volunteered at numerous children’s sports, church, and educational organizations. Jim lives in Evanston, IL with his wife Marianne and has six children.

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