John Quinlan

John Quinlan, CAPI, CPRIA

Managing Director, Head of Risk Management

John serves as Managing Director, Head of Risk Management at Cresset. He began his career in risk management working at a large insurance company managing complex accounts. He has extensive experience in the high-end personal insurance field.

John has learned over the years that the importance of proper insurance can be, and often is, underestimated. Insurance enables John to guide clients and friends through various personal networks he has cultivated throughout the years. He connects clients with well-vetted and unbiased insurance products aligned to best fit each family’s unique circumstance.

John has more than 35 years in the industry, deep experience that he leverages to help clients effectively mitigate risk.

John earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from St. John’s University. He holds Chartered Private Risk Insurance Advisor and Certified Advisor of Personal Insurance designations. He is also licensed for Life, Accident & Health, and Property & Casualty Insurance as well as a Long-Term Care certification.

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