Jon Marc Carrier

Associate Director, Wealth Advisor

Jon Marc Carrier is an Associate Director, Wealth Advisor for the Sports & Entertainment division of Cresset, which provides a comprehensive suite of wealth management services to a diverse roster of clients across sports, entertainment, and entrepreneurism. Previously, Jon Marc was with the Los Angeles Rams as Manager of Football Affairs, where he executed educational programming, strategic partnership, and player branding opportunities for both current and retired athletes.

Jon Marc began his career at the NFL headquarters, serving in both the Football Communication & Marketing and Player Engagement departments. There, he gained experience developing both transactional and transformational player relationships; he first focused on building player brands, then transitioned to provide strategic support as a liaison for clubs and the NFL. In this role, he served as the liaison between the clubs, players, and the League office.

Jon Marc attended Dartmouth College, where he played football for four years, and majored in government with an emphasis in international relations.

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