Katie Fauntleroy

Director, Sales Management & Business Development

Katie is the Director of Sales Management & Business Development at Cresset. In this role, Katie collaborates closely with Cresset Founders and Advisors to develop and lead revenue-generating programs for the firm. This includes leading sales enablement trainings, designing business development strategies, analyzing internal and external industry trends, and overseeing change management for Cresset’s sales processes. Formerly, Katie was the Chief of Staff to Cresset’s Co-Chairman and Founding Partner Doug Regan, where she supported Advisor-related activities across all business units.

Before joining Cresset, Katie served as a founding member of IEQ Capital, a top Barron’s ranked emerging RIA in the San Francisco Bay Area with over $20 billion in AUM. At IEQ, she managed the firm’s organic business development and marketing efforts, and the team’s transition out of First Republic to form their own RIA in 2019. 

Katie is a proud Colgate University graduate, where she played Division 1 Volleyball and majored in political science. She now prefers to play beach volleyball, ski, hike, and run with her dog, Goose. Katie is a strategic advisor and volunteer at the Starlings Volleyball Club, a non-profit organization providing volleyball instruction for girls aged 10-18 from all socioeconomic backgrounds and levels of play, aiming to train and compete.

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