Madison Spiegel

Director, Lifestyle Services

Madison Spiegel is a Director, Lifestyle Services at Cresset. She leverages her extensive experience in the hospitality industry to go beyond the ordinary and provide the highest level of service to Cresset’s Family Office clients. She excels in navigating the complexities of travel, ensuring that clients’ journeys are not only well-organized, but also uniquely tailored to their preferences. Madison and the Lifestyle Services Team are always ready to help with clients’ life events, challenges, and unique goals.

Madison earned a Bachelor of Science degree in tourism and events management from George Mason University and is a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP). Prior to Cresset, she served as an Event Planning Specialist for the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA). Her experience also extends to event management roles at the Geospatial Intelligence Foundation and George Mason University’s Office of Admissions.

When she is not at work, Madison enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, hiking, gardening, and reading. Madison resides in Northern Virginia with her husband, Tim and their cat, Captain.

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