Melissa Long

Director, Private Wealth Client Services

Melissa is a Director, Private Wealth Client Services at Cresset’s multi-family office and private wealth management firm in Reston, Virginia. With over twenty-five years of experience in financial services, Melissa is a primary point of contact for ultra-high net worth clients. She is dedicated to delivering a superior client experience and building strong relationships that drive value, retention, and growth through True Fiduciary® standards of transparency.

Melissa earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance from LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY, and a Master of Business Administration from the Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY.

In the community, Melissa participates in the Women of Cresset and volunteers for the Loudoun Education Foundation’s Fueled program, a compassionate student-focused food security program that provides meals to more than 1,000 food-insecure Loudoun County public school students each week to ensure every child reaches their full potential.  Melissa resides in Leesburg, Virginia with her two children, Justin and Diane, and two rescue dogs (Mollee, Sara, and Joe).

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