Sandy Cardin

Senior Consultant of Philanthropy and Impact

Sandy Cardin serves as Senior Consultant of Philanthropy and Impact for Cresset. Sandy, who is an expert in philanthropy with nearly three decades of experience as a foundation leader and attorney, works to amplify the impact that Cresset, its clients, and its employees are making with the communities and causes they care about.

Specifically, Sandy is responsible for providing Cresset’s clients with expert advice on establishing personal philanthropic strategies and building out the vehicles and infrastructure to help bring that strategic work to life, further defining Cresset’s corporate social responsibility strategy to help ensure the greatest possible impact is achieved, and developing a strategy and infrastructure to support the philanthropic activities and interests of Cresset’s employees.

In addition to his work with Cresset, Sandy is CEO of Our Common Destiny, which is a global initiative that works to link Jewish communities around the world to a shared set of ethics and values across religious and cultural identities.

Sandy was most recently President of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, where he served for 25 years.

A resident of Queenstown, Maryland, Sandy graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and was elected to the Order of the Coif upon earning his JD degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. He is admitted to practice law in Maryland, Washington D.C., and before the Supreme Court of the United States.

Sandy and his wife, Melody Ann McCoy, have four children.

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