Stephanie Effron

Stephanie Effron

Associate Director, CFO Services

Stephanie is an Associate Director, CFO Services at Cresset. In her role, she focuses on providing family office services to our clients. With 25 years of public accounting and family office experience, Stephanie manages bookkeeping, accounting, and related operations tasks to help ensure clients’ needs are met.

Prior to joining Cresset, Stephanie worked for Berman Capital Advisors, where in addition to working with family office clients, she also served as the firm’s Controller. Prior to Berman, Stephanie worked in public accounting for the first 12 years of her career, followed by several family office groups.

Stephanie earned her BSM with a Concentration in Accounting from the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University in New Orleans.

Stephanie and her husband, Marc, reside Atlanta with their two sons. She is involved with several organizations in the community, including Israel Bonds and The Weber School. Stephanie also sits on the board of the Auxiliary at the William Breman Jewish Home of Atlanta.

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