Steve Ching

Managing Director, Investments

Steve Ching serves as a Managing Director, Investments at Cresset. In this role, he is responsible for operational oversight, creating a client experience that is notable for its quality, consistency, and high degree of coordination. In addition to his operational responsibilities, Steve also contributes to his team’s business management, staff development, and client relationship management.

Steve’s is skilled at solving and providing detailed analytical requests and special projects on the team’s behalf. He also contributes to client portfolio management, asset allocation, tax-loss harvesting, and investment oversight. Highly responsive to client needs, Steve works with a sense of urgency to advance client objectives, keeping clients closely apprised of the team’s efforts on their behalf.

Prior to joining Cresset, Steve served as a Vice President at J.P. Morgan Wealth Management, and he spent seven years at First Republic Private Wealth Management. His career also includes seven years at Credit Suisse in its Private Client Wealth Management division and more than four years with Lehman Brothers, where he was an Investment Associate. Steve began his financial services career in 2000 at Robertson Stephens, where he was a Business Analyst.

A graduate of University of California, Davis, Steve earned his B.S. in managerial economics.

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