Tom Lenz, CPA

Director, Tax Manager

Tom Lenz serves as Director, Tax Manager advising Family Office clients on complex tax planning and tax minimization strategies, as well as preparing individual, partnership, trust, and foundation tax returns. He brings over a decade of experience advising ultra-high-net-worth families on federal and state income taxation, while streamlining compliance and correspondence.

Previously, Tom was a manager in RSM US LLP’s private client services practice, where he assisted ultra-high -net-worth and family office clients with their tax planning needs. Tom has performed extensive tax research, prepared comprehensive reports on tax planning opportunities, provided state residency consultancy services, and advised on the taxation of complex transactions for family offices and closely held businesses.

Tom graduated with honors from both DePaul University’s Master’s in Taxation Program and the undergraduate accountancy program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Certified Public Accountant licensed to practice in the state of Illinois.

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