Whitney Webb

Managing Director, Head of Family Governance

Whitney Webb is the Managing Director, Head of Family Governance at Cresset Capital helping to prepare families for the responsibilities and challenges of wealth transfer. She has been working with multi-generational families since 2012 in the areas of governance, effective communication, philanthropy, and financial and entrepreneurial education. Whitney was previously the Director of Operations at Independent Means, a private firm focused on education for UHNW families where she was the lead facilitator and the director of global programs including Camp Start-Up and Fashion and Finance. She is the founder of Launch Generation which produces experiential programs for teenagers focused on financial literacy, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

Prior to her work in governance and education, Whitney was a Kiva Fellow in Kigali, Rwanda where she worked to strengthen partnerships and increase the reach of microfinance through employee training and industry research. Whitney graduated from the University of Florida and began her career with Porter Orlin hedge fund in New York City, where she performed investment research for the managing director, Alex Porter.

Whitney has led several volunteer educational programs including financial literacy training in Cambodia and Rwanda and led and developed a parallel conference track for teens and kids of delegates at Opportunity Collaboration, an international convening of leaders in social change and innovation. Whitney is a trustee for the Ruth and Hal Launder’s charitable trust, a co-chair of the Nexus Working Group on Family Prosperity, and a partner at Social Venture Partners. She has been a speaker and panelist for FOX, Tiger 21, Youth Philanthropy Connect, Hawaii Tax Institute, and the Exit Planning Institute. Whitney also received a 2022 Young Professionals Award from THE FAMILY WEALTH ALLIANCE.¹

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