Recorded on 04/26/2022

Finding Your Strength Within Featuring Actor & Former NFL Player Terry Crews

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Recorded on April 26, 2022.

From the outside, Terry Crews appeared to have it all. High-profile acting roles, a successful NFL career, a bodybuilder physique, and a beautiful family. Underneath the “tough guy” facade, he was fighting a secret battle with addiction and self-sabotage, as he tried to hide conflicting emotions and painful memories behind the veil of strength and success.

In his new book, Tough: My Journey to True Power, Crews details his long and difficult journey to regain control of his life and uncover the true meaning of toughness. In this session, Crews will share how he learned to overcome his abusive childhood, encounters with racism, and battle with addiction by facing his insecurities, challenging his beliefs, and confronting his past. He explains how his obsession with outward toughness left him feeling powerless, unfulfilled, and weak, as well as his discovery of the true meaning of masculinity and strength.


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