Public & Private Investments

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Cresset Partners, a subsidiary of Cresset Capital Management, sources private investment opportunities in companies, real estate, and private funds.

Private Investing Value Proposition: By investing directly in companies, properties, or investing in private equity through specialized fund products, we are able to generate private investment returns while providing cash flow, and mitigation of the J-curve challenges and fee inefficiencies typically associated with private investing.

Our core focus is on long-term value creation through growth in the scale and profitability of its companies and properties, not constrained by traditional fund structures or overly reliant on financial leverage.

Access to World-Class Talent

“Cresset exists to provide individuals and families access to the best ideas, solutions, and world-class talent typically only available to institutions and sophisticated investors.”

JACK ABLIN | Cresset CIO & Founding Partner

Jack Ablin
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