Celebrating One Year with Cresset

Today marks my one year anniversary at Cresset.  I’m so proud and excited to work with this amazing group of professionals – uniquely competent, passionate, and fun!

We’ve accomplished much in the past year – brought on board over 30 colleagues;  moved into our new space in Downtown Chicago; establishing offices in West Palm Beach, Florida and Avon, Connecticut; closed on our first Private Real Estate transaction in Chicago with another in the works on the East Coast; and, most important, we’re working with a broad and diverse group of interesting clients who are experiencing their wealth in a different way.

Watch for a Press Release in the coming weeks announcing our Assets Under Management.

Thanks to all who are a part of something special at Cresset!

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About Cresset

Cresset is an independent, award-winning multi-family office and private investment firm with more than $50 billion in assets under management (as of 06/06/2024). Cresset serves the unique needs of entrepreneurs, CEO founders, wealth creators, executives, and partners, as well as high-net-worth and multi-generational families. Our goal is to deliver a new paradigm for wealth management, giving you time to pursue what matters to you most.

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From Chief Investment Officer, Jack Ablin.
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